Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Helvetica, ALTs, & Bros -- Hipster Runoff

I've actually been reading "Hipster Runoff" a lot lately. If you're not familiar with the ALT culture that this "culturally relevant" blog defines, you should check it out. It uses Wordpress, so you know it's legit. Kudos to the people who actually learn how to use that crazy thing -- I tried once and failed miserably.

Anyways, back to Hipster Runoff. Yes, it's a blog and it's hilarious, informative, odd, and surprisingly.....relevant. I thank this humble website for helping me define my "personal brand" -- a concept that most of the blogs on HRO seem to be about.

Seriously, it's strange how exact HRO is at nailing what it is to be a "20-Something" in today's wickety-whack culture. I also enjoy the motifs and "memes" HR seems to play off of. Like, everything on the site is written in Helvetica type face. Maybe this is because most people who read the blog are design savvy (maybe?) and respect that Helvetica is the perfect font. Or maybe it's because HRO has a striking resemblance to American Apparel ads...not sure, but it's something to ponder about. It's almost an understood fact that AA has coined the "deep v-neck" t-shirt -- which I also find humorous. It's nice to know I've found a place online that shares my appreciation for AA clothing -- seriously, no one where I'm from seems to like it....maybe I should move to LA or something so I can wear deep v's all year long. Again, something to ponder about.

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