Saturday, January 24, 2009

Change 'O Mind

Well, I think I have to go back on my word. Two posts ago I said I was (possibly) giving up on blogging and vlogging. I guess that statement is only half true. Blogging will continue; however, my days of making dumb YouTube videos has come to a end as far as I know -- but don't hold me to it. what's new? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

This is about the time where I let out a HUGE sigh of either frustration or just plain 'n simple confusion during the blog process. Alright! I'm just going to let my thoughts spill out...

College Stuff
Winter term is nearing its end. My final is this Wednesday. And after a long weekend back home, I will return to school and start up second semester. I'm actually excited about the spring; most of the classes I'll be taking are centered around my major -- so that's nice. No more general education courses.

The Roommate
My roommate has been gone this past month. He's on what our school calls a "Lighthouse" mission trip. He's been in Paraguay for about 3 weeks now and I can honestly say I've enjoyed living solo in our room. There's been a lot of time to think about things and just relax. I've been able to listen to music in the morning without fear of waking him up -- something I've never had the pleasure of doing this past semester.

Speaking of music, I really need to buy the new Bon Iver EP. He actually played at my school's student union last year -- apparently this was before he achieved his almost mainstream status; tickets were like $4.

Triscuit Stealing
To be honest, I must confess that I ate what was left of my roommate's box of Trisciuts (it was like 3/5 gone anyways). Luckily, the other day I was at the local K-Mart and saw they had basically a 2-for-1 deal on Triscuits, so I bought myself a box and got a second one to replace his. I know, I'm such a saint.

And I must recap on a recent set of events that have taken place during my two month holiday hiatus. Lo and behold, this is about relationships! I've sort of been in an "almost together" status with this girl I recently became friends with in November. Thankfully I finally mustered the courage (and balls, yes) to tell her I didn't want a relationship between us. Better to call it off before anything became expected. It's a cliché, but I must admit the burden is lifted. My reasoning? There's kinda someone else. And let me tell you, I've been wresteling with what do to about this little crush of mine for months now. Hey, I'm still working on it. I'll let you know what happens (if anything...). Didn't think I'd get so personal on my blog, did you? Neither did I.

President Obama has been in office for four days now and I must admit that I haven't gotten used to saying "President Obama". I'm sure the more I hear it the more I'll get accustomed to it. Everytime I log onto Yahoo there's a new news article saying something about a new policy he's starting up. I have my doubts that all these new changes will save our economy and ultimately help our country. But know this, I'm rooting for him all the way. There's nothing I would want more than to be completely corrected on this matter and have my opinion changed. One of my friends said it best: "He now has to prove to America he's not all talk." Pardon the "walk the walk, talk the talk" anaolgy -- I thought I sounded appropriate.

Alright that's all I got.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Anxious steps to and fro prove nothing but the unknowing
thus you think it adequate to hold a solemn smile
and keep your back from showing

It made sense at the time, the choices you made
to seek that which time deemed right
but now defeated you appear no longer portrayed
thus accepting this one last final fight

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Yeah, I haven't really been on here much during the past couple of months. Well, I'm still around -- not as much as I used to be...but that's how it goes, I guess. I've kinda given up on the whole "social networking" scene. I've learned that I much more enjoy reading other people's blogs than I do trying to write my own. I mean seriously -- I don't have much to write about. I've made one (1) friend through Youtube and Blogger and that seems to be enough for me. I guess I realized that this is escapism for me -- and I have loads more things to worry about than making vlogs and writing blogs.

Hey, it was fun while it lasted -- and I'm sure over the summer I'll get bored with life and start all over again.