Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years

I figured I should try and write something to end the year/decade.

The 00's decade seemed to pass by really fast - like, really fast. Ten years ago, I remember being 11 and sitting in my grandmother's basement watching the countdown to the "new millennium." Like most people, my family knew the "Year 2000" computer bug wasn't real - but I remember being afraid that we would be sent back into the Stone Age at the stroke of midnight.

It's interesting to look back on that stuff now.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Idealist

Being in school until the week before Christmas has it's ups and downs - but mostly downs. This is a post about one of those "downs."

There once was a time when holiday shopping felt magical (for lack of a better term). For me, it always seems like Christmas is "happening" wherever there are green wreaths, tress, and colored lights - and what better place to experience that than at the mall or at your local "everything store" (Walmart, Target). I was the type of kid growing up who seemingly worshiped the artificial tree in our family room - not for the presents and gifts - but rather the symbol the tree represented. Without sounding lofty or whatever, I'll admit that I really am hung up on the traditional Christmas experience. I'll even brave our city mall with only a few shopping days left to catch a glimpse of the so-called "Holy Ghost of Christmas."

I can't put my finger on it, but I like to think this season has an aura to it - an artificial glow put off by colored lights, green garland, and my grandmother's Christmas punch.

There's me being an idealist again...

Anyways, Merry Christmas.


Friday, December 18, 2009

Late night traffic

Kinda feels like I left school "uncompleted" this semester. I spent most of my last day on campus running around like a mad person trying to get two days worth of work done in one afternoon.

I like to think of myself as a "pretty chill bro," but December totally has ruined that for me.

There came a time about 5 o'clock where I just gave up and decided to see how my roommate was getting by. He spent most of the past week slaving over his woodcuts and metal etchings. Crazy art majors. East of Chicago Pizza was our destination - but three other people ended up joining us, two of whom were girls. What was going to be a chill night of pizza and cinnamon bread turned into a night of me watching my mouth so not to offend the lady types. Seriously, I say stupid stuff.

It took me forever to get on the road. Too much stuff to see through. It felt great to finally get on the highway and set the cruise to a hair above 70. Leaving late at night means light traffic - and I love open roads at night, especially heading towards Indy. I like it how everything is so open but you can't really see it. You just gotta assume there are cornfields out there.

I got home before midnight - which was the goal. I was reminded of just how "bare" my room is. Right before fall semester started, I repainted it. The north wall is brown and the other three are green. I like it, but it just seems like it would be a sin to put something up on still freshly painted walls. But I'm glad the smell of paint is gone.

I got semi-stoked that my Bon Iver t-shirt came in the mail. I wore it today.

I slept 'til 11, which felt odd. I think I've brainwashed myself into thinking sleeping-in displays bad character. This is probably because of several weeks of early mornings.

Didn't do much today besides chill at home - but I did run a couple errands and visit my high school. The moment I stepped on the campus I realized just how much it's changed and not changed in the same respect. First thing: You can't just "visit" the school anymore. I swear, they are so paranoid at public schools. They actually installed an intercom with a fish-eye camera on the main door. I forgot I went to school at Jabba the Hutt's palace.

"Hello, can I help you?"
"Um, yeah. I'm a Center Grove graduate. I was wondering if I could visit Mr. Pratt if that's -"
"No. You can't do that. He's teaching a class now."

Maybe I've gotten so used to living in a "totally safe" college town that I forgot that most high school students are "mad dangerous." It just seems like these school board people are sacrificing trust for safety these days. I "sneaked" into the school when someone opened the door. So much for security. I said "hi" to my favorite English teacher (who didn't remember my name) and later dropped in on Mr. Pratt - my gay choir director. He seems to be doing fine; his choir still dominating the show choir scene. Last I heard he called it off with his boyfriend. I also bumped into my old theater director, who I learned is retiring this year. She is old, so that makes sense. I've been under the impression she's also a lesbian. I think it's a performing arts thing these days...but they're good people and I enjoy keeping in contact if I can.

After visiting school I dropped off my friend's electric bass at his house and called it a day. Watched a movie with the family and ate cheese cake. I guess it's good to be back.


Saturday, December 12, 2009


A very rough mash-up I made:

Justice vs. Rick Ross

It's official: Rick Ross' "Hustlin'" can be mixed into any song.


Fats Waller

Why would I want to write a script when I can make a woodcut of one of jazz's greatest musicians?



I ffffound this new website called "FFFFOUND!" It's kinda like the elitist's Flickr account. You can't simply sign up to join - you gotta be "invited" by a user. So far I've ffffound no way to be invited.

I like this idea. You don't have all the trash that's associated with big 'ol public sites like Flickr and YouTube. I fee like FFFFOUND! is trying to make the internet great again.

Here's a few pictures I ffffound:

They seem to have a good sense of humor on this site.

Text art also seems to be a trend here.

The obsession with "square" Holga photos is really noticeable. Kinda wish I would have asked for a cheap, plastic camera for Christmas.

Speaking of Christmas, there seems to be a reoccurring "multi-colored lights" motif. I think this is a metaphor for true "indie" love - or perhaps overpriced jeans. I really doubt there are many 20-something year olds out there who woudn't want to experience what this lovely couple is enjoying.


Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas just got real

This is the best Christmas song covered in the best possible way.

This made my night.

This is Christmas music you can dance to.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

doc screening

Tonight I was a star. Tonight I had my 15 minutes of fame. Tonight I showed the documentary film I've spent most of this semester working on.

Tonight I conquered the world.

Time for this smug producer to pat himself on the back. I'm joking - it's not my nature to praise myself with these sort of things. All I can think of now is color correcting and audio sweetening the final cut that's due this Thursday. It's like after it ends - it doesn't really end.

Whenever it does really end, I'll be sure to upload it on Vimeo.
