Wednesday, July 16, 2008

"Crazy people think they're getting saner."

To quote a line from LOST to kick off a blog is always a good move. And who better to say it than everyone's favorite John Locke.

Well it's about 12:30 in the morning right now (disregard the time at the bottom -- it's wrong) and I'm not planning on sleeping tonight. In about an hour and a half I'm going to be packing my car with my two oversized duffel bags and driving with my dad to the Indianapolis greyhound bus station. Sleep at this point is irrelevant. And at 3:45 I'll be on my way to Branson, Missouri for camp -- a 10 hour bus ride that I'm dreading at the moment.

I'm a long list of things right now:

  • Anxious
  • Nervous
  • Sleepy
  • Jittery
  • Annoyed
  • Insane? Nope, joking on that one.
This is very much a "idk" moment for me. But such instances aren't totally uncommon with me -- in fact, they're quite frequent. Regardless, this next month will be very hard on me. My summer job is counseling at a sports camp where I'll be required to provide a group of kids with the best Christian example I can display. I just feel....reluctant right now. Is that bad? Can I do this? I guess this would be a great opportunity to ask any readers our there, whoever you may be, to pray for me this coming month. Part of me is afraid to put myself in a position that I know may in fact change my view of the world. What is this? I thought you were doing a counseling job? Yeah, I am. But this is more than simply a sports camp for wealthy kids. It's "a big deal" so to speak. And I've been given a huge responsibility by the owners and directors of the camp to follow protocol and show these kids love that mirrors that of Christ. That...THAT scares me. A lot, in fact.

Oh well, enough ranting and moaning. It's late, like I mentioned, and I tend to say/write things during these times that may sound completely stretched and over-the-top when I'm in a more rested mood. I'm hoping that's the case. It's like a newly sober person asking "I did WHAT last night?" Yes, no one likes a morning revelation such as that.

It's safe to say that this is my last blog post until mid-August. To all my readers (if any), take care and God bless.

1 comment:

Rosequirk2789 said...

I love that quote from Lost! It's definitely one of my favorites.

Also, I will definitely pray for you this summer! You might not be able to read this until after your time being a counselor, but don't be worried! Being a Christian example does not mean being perfect. We all make mistakes and we all have certain sins which we struggle with. All you can do is try your hardest and acknowledge that. You can reach the kids you work with just by being real.

Good luck and have fun :-)