Monday, May 11, 2009


Here's a quick recap of what's going on...

This past Wednesday, my dorm wing probably had the only "cool party" we've had this semester. It's called Tonight We Ride -- and it's an annual night devoted to America's biking culture (which surprisingly none of us are truly involved with). Basically all of us wear leather and drink rootbeer all night long.

I'm one of two guys actually smiling in this picture. Y'all took this too seriously.

Somehow I was put in charge of advertising for this shin-dig and was able to put my sick Adobe skillz to the test. Big 'ol text -- always a great design element.

Well, the good news is that troublesome audio project finally got finished. Can't wait to hear back from my prof about this one...

Anyways, the summer is almost here. Good luck not checking out of school early. All I want to do is get home and enjoy what may be the best summer ever -- and that's not an exaggeration. Things are looking up. My internship starts the week I get back and I couldn't be more excited.


AutumnLuis said...

yeah so about the audio project....i listened to it through fully and on a certain note during one little section of music the exporting process screwed it up so now it screeches so loud. i swear i checked it over before i turned it in - oh well. i just cant forget to tell him so it doesnt blow out the speakers tomorrow if i go.

Siberian said...

in that TWR photo... I think that's the happiest i've ever seen you.