Dan Zimmerman on Daytrotter.com
Listen to (or better yet, download) his first song on the right sidebar. It's on Daytrotter, so it's free. You have no reason NOT to listen to it.
Well, this guy's old. He's one of the few artists on Daytrotter whose caricature (shown below) doesn't include the staple bushy beard, big-rimmed glasses, long hair (in fact, he's balding) or a plaid shirt a la the Bon Iver crew. He's the type of old guy I'd like to be when I grow up.

Anyways, this song's great. It "spoke to me" for some reason. Something about "everyday here with you; everyday far apart." I'm gonna take a stab at it and say it's a metaphorical statement. Something about unatainable love, lost love, or both. And using color allusions makes me think of a water color paiting -- which I thought was cool. Kinda brings a youthful perspective to the song.
The song "retroactively" made me think of a MGMT song...
Time to Pretend

Without getting too "philosophical", I think there's a profound connection between these two songs.
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