As much as I don't want my blog to turn into a place where I pour out my frustrations, I can't help but do a little recap on some recent (very recent) events.
I attempted this afternoon, against much hesitation and second-guessing, to make a "first move" towards forming a "more-than-friends" relationship with a special someone. I can tell you right here and now that I'm currently in the worst position possible: the Maybe Limbo.
Maybe is never a good answer -- not just in regards to asking a girl to hang out (in the library of all places!), but in almost every sense. Saying maybe is tantalizing. It gives you a glimpse of hope that appears so pleasantly close; however, if I know anything about girls (in which case I do, thanks to having two sisters), saying "maybe" is usually a method of avoidance. Okay. I can't speak for everyone -- especially the person who I'm attempting to pursue -- but I can tell you that giving the maybe is almost always subtle substitute for a blatant no.
Here's how I see it: If she truly wanted to get to know me more and hang out (in the library of all places!), she would have said yes. Flip the situation around: What would you do if you were asked by someone you secretly liked to hang out? You would probably drop all prior engagements and honestly try to make it work. Saying maybe doesn't have much enthusiasm behind it. Welcome to the Maybe Limbo.
Well, I'm still in the Maybe Limbo as I sit here at my desk typing into early hours of the evening -- anxiously waiting for a text message I truthfully want to come more than anything. I'm trying my best to be confident. I sadly have a history of failed relationships, and now I've put a lot of consideration and, to be honest, prayer into my current actions. I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't certain I wanted it. I've grown to take this sort of thing seriously (maybe too seriously). What can I say? I don't want to get hurt and, more importantly, I don't want to hurt anyone else. The way I see it, this approach should work. So far I think it works...well, I can't say for certain. My success rate still remains low.
Maybe I'll give this approach a maybe.
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