Friday, October 10, 2008

Mountain Hardware

Is $38.97 a good price for a fleece "Micro Chill" shirt?

1 comment:

BrightBoy said... long do you think it will last? Where I live, unfortunately, it's really not cold enough yet for jackets. One of my friends swears it was 87 degrees the other day (I think it was more like 82), but either way we have been in the eighties in the middle of October.

It stinks.

In a way, though, being in the middle of nowhere must be nice; you guys are all forced to bond and hang out.

I mean, my school is in the middle of a sprawling area adjacent to a major national city, and going there is depressing. First of all, there are 30,000 students, and so many of them (myself included) commute that I feel like a real campus atmosphere never develops.

Next year I'll probably move back.